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Logo des Unternehmens New Tec Consulting kurz NTC

Realising the industrial future

The opportunities offered by digitalization are more tangible than ever for industrial companies today. We help you to "get started" and lead you into the industrial future. Our service ranges from individual advice and support to a finished solution that you can start using tomorrow.

Digitalisierung in der Industrie
Digitaliiserung von Wissen in der Industrie

Digitisation of technical knowledge in a new dimension

Our heart beats for digital knowledge transfer for your production and maintenance. A PDF file is not digital knowledge transfer. We show you what scalable, time-, location- and person-independent knowledge transfer looks like. In this way, we help you to overcome the shortage of skilled workers, secure your specialist knowledge and take your training to a new dimension.


With our solutions, your employees immerse themselves in knowledge transfer. Instead of just listening or watching, they learn through experience and internalize it in the long term and sustainably.

VR, Virtual Reality zur Wissensvermittlung in der Industrie

Successful industrial trainees

Our ready-made solution for the digitalization of your training

Logo der Lösung ViRTUWERK von NTC, New Tec Consulting

Make your technical training a place of innovation. Convince trainees before and during their training by offering the best possible training support. Secure the skilled workers of tomorrow

Use VR training to digitalize your training and overcome the shortage of skilled workers and demographic change on your own. Use this unique form of knowledge transfer to inspire trainees at trade fairs and during training. With this active learning method, you can impart knowledge in a memorable and sustainable way. Stand out through innovative training and appeal to the skilled workers of tomorrow with your technology of today.

ViRTUWERK auf einen Blick:

ViRTUWERK ist die einsatzbereite Lösung zur Digitalisierung Ihrer technischen Ausbildung. Ergänzen Sie Ihre Ausbildung mit unseren Virtual Reality Trainings, um künftige und aktuelle Auszubildenden für Ihr Unternehmen zu begeistern.


Einblick in ViRTUWERK:

Das sagen unsere Kunden:


„Das ist beeindruckend umgesetzt“


„Sie haben wirklich verstanden, wie man VR in der Ausbildung einsetzen sollte und wie es sich die Akteure auch leisten können“


„ViRTUWERK macht Spaß, motiviert, ist lehrreich und weckt das Interesse“

Kleines Logog der Lösung ViRTUWERK
Logo der Berufsschule Riedlingen, einer unserer Kunden

77% der Auszubildenden wünschen sich mehr VR im Unterricht.

72% der Auszubildenden würden sich gerne im Betrieb mit VR auf die Prüfungen vorbereiten.

81% der Auszubildenden macht das Lernen mit VR Spaß.

67% der Auszubildenden nehmen einen Ausbildungsbetrieb der VR einsetzt als innovativ wahr.

​Erreichen Sie alles mit einer Lösung:

Logo ViRTUWERK, die virtuelle Lernwerkstatt

Our supporters and partners

More than technology

Digitalisierung und Industrie der Zukunft

With our solutions, our customers create skilled workers for their processes from career changers, people with a migration background and unskilled employees, thereby combating the shortage of skilled workers in the long term. Digital knowledge transfer adds a new dimension to training and makes it possible to counteract the loss of knowledge due to demographic change. Language barriers can also be overcome thanks to digital knowledge transfer. In this way, we are bringing together two major social challenges of the coming years in order to solve them: the shortage of skilled workers in industry and the professional integration of people with a migration background.

We provide support from a single source throughout the entire process, from the initial idea to the final implementation.

Martin Gerten

CEO & Co-Founder

"My heart beats where innovative technologies meet economic, industrial applications."

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Martin Gerten Gründer des Unternehmens NTC
Max Spengler Gründer des Unternehmens NTC

Max Spengler

CTO & Co-Founder

"I am excited about creating added value in industry with digital technologies."

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Digitalisierung der Industrie

Make the industrial future your present

We are happy to hear from you!

Neidenbacherstr. 15, 54655 Malbergweich, Deutschland

+49 175 4134128

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